"> Portfolio of Brianna George

[ Adbusters Magazine, World Flag Competition ]
This flag represents our inextricable interconnectedness as members of the human race.

Seven conspicuously brilliant colors have been reserved to signify the seven continents: civilization made vibrant by human creativity and culture. Red, Green and Blue (RGB, the colorwheel’s 3 base colors) and Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black (i.e. CMYK in computer-terms) signifying the evolution of creative ingenuity. The color-bands invoke an image of cascading water (an essential element to life) streaming together forming a pool (a green circle representing planet Earth) inside of which seven corresponding circles interconnect to make a seemingly singular new image in and of itself. This new image forms a literal depiction of molecular cohesion—highly potent in connotative meaning: it represents man’s rational, scientific and physical aspects conveyed on a microcosmic scale. Applied metaphorically to societal interaction—in a reactionary, interdependent, karmic sense—it is paradoxically macro-perspective (also elicited by the intricate background subtly alluding to star constellations).

From the pool reemerge ripples: actions have consequences (socially and environmentally).

The wheel is distinctly rigid in structure: symbolizing industrial and technological advances. From the invention of the wheel to the "dot-com" era of instant communication via the world-wide-web (hence the literal web formed from the intersecting lines). Through juxtaposition of the cultural “waterfall,” the wheel conjures the image of a watermill*—whose function is to convert energy from flowing water into power; (to anthropomorphize this metaphor: think, "By OUR powers combined...!"—If I may quote the legendary Captain Planet).

*In our current state of energy crisis it may be of interest to note that watermills were used in civilizations cross-culturally as far back as Ancient Samaria.

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